The Wise Learner - This is real. And I'm struggling with it.

And while I am so excited about screening 'Embrace' in a couple of weeks and feel completely gobsmacked about events regarding Brexit and America, this video so totally breaks my heart this morning.

This is real. This is happening. And I wonder whether too many people are in denial because this truth is just too painful to connect with. Others seem to try and suggest that things like this video is 'fake news' and that these people don't need help, that we should keep our borders closed to them.

I am strugging this morning, knowing that I will 'pick myself up and go about my day' any time soon. I know that it is my passion to contribute positively to this world so that is what I will do today, as always. But my heart is in Aleppo right now and bleeds for my fellow humans.
Please be with them in thought, even if that is all you can do.