Not experiencing fear is quite a task to achieve... so it is important to understand what fear is and how to deal with it.
FREE online retreat - In my work as a coach, as well as in my personal life, there are five aspects of being human that keep coming up. Over the years I developed many programmes and courses to address these aspects, and two weeks from now I’m running another free online ‘H.U.M.A.N. Work in Progress retreat where I cover these five aspects.
Read MoreWhy Özlem Cekic's example is inspiring... I mean, do you really want to talk to people who seem to hate you?
Read MoreYou are talking to someone and you feel frustrated… What can you do to change the way you feel and respond?
Read MorePreliminary results of The Wise Learner - Communication Obstacles Survey give many gems and insights. Frustration seems to be an overriding emotion when thinking about communication…
Read on for more highlights and eye-openers, as well as my ABC to manage frustration.
Read MoreClients gain many magical outcomes from their sessions. But as the focus is completely on them, how come I gain so much too as their therapist and/or coach?
Read MoreIf there was no ‘bad’, then we wouldn’t understand ‘good’. We need to understand both, but where do you put your focus?
Read MoreA few weeks ago I deleted my Facebook Live video in a bit of a panic when I thought my message wasn't picked up the way I had intended it. I now wish I hadn't pressed 'Delete'... Read on why, in hindsight, I would have preferred to have had the conversation.
Read More"You must be the change that you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
Read More... and breathe... When is the last time you were aware of that one deep breath you took?
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